
General Orthopedics

Offered by OrthoArizona
Chiropractic Doctors
Our orthopedic surgeons and specialists treat patients of all ages for musculoskeletal conditions ranging from bone and joint disorders and fractures to disorders or tears of the muscles, ligaments and tendons. Our physicians treat many...

Chiropractic Relief Care

Offered by Anthem Chiropractic Group
Chiropractic Doctors
Chiropractic adjustments work wonders for providing fast, drug-free pain relief. Relief care is effective for temporary pain relief where we treat symptoms. Typical benefits of chiropractic care include less pain, more energy, improved...


Offered by OrthoArizona
Chiropractic Doctors
OrthoArizona has two fellowship-trained orthopedic spinal surgeons throughout the Valley. Our spinal surgeons care for patients with deformities of the spine, degenerative conditions of the spine such as spinal stenosis or degenerative...


Offered by OrthoArizona
Chiropractic Doctors
The OrthoArizona Shoulder Institute is made up of sports and shoulder specialist physicians throughout the Valley. We offer a wide variety of both surgical and non surgical treatments for conditions relating to the shoulder. Our...

Chiropractic Wellness Care

Offered by Anthem Chiropractic Group
Chiropractic Doctors
The best time to brush your teeth is before they hurt. The best time to get adjusted is before you need to get adjusted. Many people who are proactive with their health will include regular chiropractic adjustments as part of their...

Chiropractic Corrective Care

Offered by Anthem Chiropractic Group
Chiropractic Doctors
Chiropractic corrective is recommended for people who want to get off of the roller coaster of pain and symptoms. This process focuses on correcting the cause and not just the symptom. Corrective care includes objective reevaluations to...

Hand, Wrist and Elbow

Offered by OrthoArizona
Chiropractic Doctors
OrthoArizona has twelve fellowship trained doctors that specialize in disorders of the hand, wrist and elbow. Our hand and wrist surgeons are conveniently located throughout the Phoenix metro area to provide quality care in your...

Knee and Hip

Offered by OrthoArizona
Chiropractic Doctors
The OrthoArizona team of knee and hip specialists provides comprehensive treatment for acute and chronic knee and hip conditions including: Osteoarthritis. Osteonecrosis. Rheumatoid...

Y-Strap Neck Decompression

Offered by Anthem Chiropractic Group
Chiropractic Doctors
The Y-Strap decompression tool is effectively used to stretch the neck to release pressure from the vertebrae, discs, and nerves. This tool helps to stretch the spine with slow and constant force, relaxing the muscles and releasing pain...

Foot and Ankle

Offered by OrthoArizona
Chiropractic Doctors
The OrthoArizona Foot and Ankle Institute features a team of fellowship trained orthopedic surgeons and podiatrists. Our program, one of the largest foot and ankle practices in the country, is dedicated to providing the best possible care...

Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT)

Offered by Anthem Chiropractic Group
Chiropractic Doctors
Radial Shockwave Therapy aka Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy is a safe, effective, and inexpensive way to treat plantar fasciitis, muscle trigger points, and most forms of tendonitis. RSWT provides a powerful mechanical shockwave to the...

Chiropractic Adjustment

Offered by Anthem Chiropractic Group
Chiropractic Doctors
During your initial visit with your Anthem chiropractor, he will ask questions about your health history and perform a physical exam, with precise consideration of your spine. Depending on his findings, your chiropractor may also recommend...

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